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LEGO Lich King Costume
The first half of 2017 was pretty busy with the Voltron, Star-Lord, Groot, Terminator, Jesse Quick, and Jay Garrick all before Tidewater Comicon, I wanted to do something a little more unusual for my son’s next costume. As a fan of Warcraft, I’ve always been impressed with the Arthas (Lich King) character and have loved…
LEGO Terminator Costume
My son picked the LEGO Terminator for the costume of 2017. While I think he originally wanted just the unskinned Terminator model, I didn’t think that would translate well as a LEGO costume. I decided to go for a LEGO version of the T-1000 Terminator near the end of Terminator 2. This gave me the…
LEGO Moon Knight Costume
LEGO Moon Knight was a costume I planned for my daughter to wear during Tidewater Comicon 2022. This costume was made at the same time I was working on the Mighty Thor statue, Kenobi statue, and my wife’s LEGO Buzz Lightyear costume during the 2 months leading up to the convention. Since my daughter was…