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LEGO Daredevil Costume
She-Hulk started on Disney+ 2 months before Hampton Comicon 2022. It was rumored that Daredevil would be making his first in costume appearance in the show. Half way through the season, a mid-season trailer was released that gave us our first look at his costume. As fans of the Netflix series, my daughter and I…
LEGO Lich King Costume
The first half of 2017 was pretty busy with the Voltron, Star-Lord, Groot, Terminator, Jesse Quick, and Jay Garrick all before Tidewater Comicon, I wanted to do something a little more unusual for my son’s next costume. As a fan of Warcraft, I’ve always been impressed with the Arthas (Lich King) character and have loved…
LEGO Link Costume
The Legend of Zelda series is one of my top 5 favorite video game series of all time. Having spent a lot of last year playing Breath of the Wild, I decided I wanted to do a Legend of Zelda costume. Really this was an excuse to make the shield and master sword to hang…
LEGO Green Goblin Costume
Hampton Comicon 2021 was the first convention we attended after the Covid-19 shutdowns. With Spider-Man: No Way Home about to release and William Dafoe returning as Green Goblin, I thought Green Goblin would be a good choice for a costume. Just before the beginning of the 2020 pandemic, I bought a 3D printer. During 2020…
LEGO Moon Knight Costume
LEGO Moon Knight was a costume I planned for my daughter to wear during Tidewater Comicon 2022. This costume was made at the same time I was working on the Mighty Thor statue, Kenobi statue, and my wife’s LEGO Buzz Lightyear costume during the 2 months leading up to the convention. Since my daughter was…